Thursday 15 August 2013






J said...

"So now the first war with Cordelia begins, in which I flee, and thereby teach her to triumph in pursuing me. I constantly retreat before her , and in this retreat, I teach her through myself to know all the power of love, its unquiet thoughts, its passion, what longing is, and hope, and impatient expectation…She will gain courage to believe in love…She must never suspect that she owes this freedom to me…When she at last feels free, so free that she is almost tempted to break with me, then the second war begins. Now she has power and passion, and the struggle becomes worthwhile to me.

Let her forsake me, the second war is just beginning…The first war was a war of liberation, it was only a game; the second war is a war of conquest, it is for life and death."

Søren Kierkegaard ' Diary of the Seducer, appended to Either/Or' pp. 379-80 as cited in Jean Baudrillard 'Seduction' p.113


Liz Chang said...

沒看過這篇,查了一下,十分喜歡。With the catching end the pleasures of the chase. 唉,愛是什麼。




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